If there is an update, then simply use the newer version while following the instructions.
It is possible that the fan made mods/patches get updated and therefore I would strongly suggest that you review this page to see if that's the case. It provides links to all the patches I included in the download folders and some extra information. I want to give credit to u/MattTheLegoman for sharing info on the patches and info on this wonderful page below. Here is the download link if you want the files: The more complicated install that includes updates, and some HD mods to the games, and online play is now called 'complicated.' Anyone who already has the download link should see this. That folder is now called the 'easy' version. One folder is my original instructions and files for those who want to just play singleplayer. Shouldn't take more than 15min to get up and running and needs nothing else to download and no other programs. I just found that the guide here was too much work and made my own. It is based on the fantasy novels The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J. I have all the files necessary and personally made easy instructions on how to put each game together so that it runs flawlessly without a disk on windows 10. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic Arts.